Photo: Home Copapetrobas


Hi all, it´s been a long time since my last update - more than six month. I will gon on working on this site but not as regularly as it has been during the last years. I´m simply a bit away from tennis, especially now after the clay season is over.

This year I´ve seen him playing Bundesliga again - after 9 years. It was something special because I´ve seen him there for the first time and may be now for the last time.

He has opened his Academy: Canas Tennis Academy
Good luck!

  Last Change:

        Photos Bundesliga
        Loss against Gonzalez
        Photos Aussie Open
        Would have acted like... (esp)
        Acasuso for Cañas
        Photos Vienna

D O P I N G    D E C I S I O N
His ban has been reduced and heīs allowed to play again after September 11th 2006!!!!!!!!!

But I think the main thing is that itīs clear now that he has always said the truth.

"His only failure was not to check the medication personally despite knowing it had passed through several hands before being delivered to him."
"A mistake in the delivery of the medication was made not by the player, but rather by the tournament staff,"
"Caņas had been prescribed medication by a tournament doctor but was accidentally given another product containing the banned substance"

Itīs a hard punishment for a carelessness.

Note of ITF
Original by CAS (pdf)

His momentary/next tournament
-------------- (------)




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Standings of: 31.08.2009
Current position Entrylist: 175 
S H O U T   B O X


Y O U R    T U R N
Do you have any photos of Guillermo you would like to contribute to this webpage?
Or other stuff you would like to see here?
Do you have any comments or ideas?

No problem - just send an E-Mail

!!!! Please use a clear title. Sometimes the mails are in the Spam-Folder and Iīm not opening mails from there not having a clear title. Some mails are already lost !!!!!!
A B O U T   T H I S   S I T E
When I became a fan of Guillermo I was looking for some information in the net - and found it very difficult to find things, especially when you donīt speak Spanish. So I decided to collect everything I find in the net or elsewhere and to create a fanpage.

Perhaps it can be a meeting point as well.

Last update of this page: 11.09.2009

Đ H. Moormann 2003-09

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